Thursday, February 3, 2000

La abuela used to talk of color, though it was hard for me to comprehend. The sky used to be a bright blue and not a musky, swampy green, she said, still I wasn't sure how she meant. The ground, she said, was a real green, covered in a short stiff plant with tiny blade like arms called grass. I have tried to type codes in and find the grass, but the color I still cannot display into my mind.

At first it was just another drug, the kinds you make as a kid, just better. I had mixed and matched, and used mi hermana's perritos nuevo to come up with a cleaner more sustainable kind of atmosphere- something no kid learns to do. When i got it up to experimental draft, I took my first try. The repercussions were beautiful, the ground came up all neat like in a silver and clean fog, the human structures began to insinuate changes when I looked upon them long enough, changes I started to wish for. Some bars to climb or a shoot to get to the top floor; they started to appear. Though in the real world it came to be a perception only, a flickering light that would die when I approached.

It's easy enough to understand the components that make the affect to parts of the allusion. We learned that long ago, though I've mastered it. With a little more Adrino and a little less Pitinine, I was able to up the the perceptions and dim the haze. Soon it conformed more within my head, than within the world. I spent less time in the streets and more time in my room, distorting and duplicating the tiny drawers on my bench, enlarging them and climbing inside.

I kept the charges up, but added Hallgenite and Tranite. I stayed in my bed but my mind wandered the streets, anywhere I wanted to go, anywhere I wanted to see, I went. I had conversations with el jefe and I  picked his mind, learning his secrets, later wondering if they were true. I spent a small amount of time at el laboratorio de gobierno learning certain tricks and comprehending it all. This is how I got here, this is how I created the xseño. This is why my worlds were never the same. 


  1. I don't understand too much of your explanation. I'm not familiar with the compounds to which you refer. I'd love to hear more about it, though. What drove you to make Xseno?

  2. I hope to explain more in the following posts. Xseño is a very special drug to me. I grew up mixing compounds into the best drug as most children here do. At first it was just an experiment. But now, I can see how useful this drug is. Adan, mi amigo, tell me that it's possible to change the world with this drug. People come out of their trip and their worlds and they see how they can change this one and how they can be better people. It's addicting yes, but not because of the components- it's addicting because the world you create is the world you always knew- you just couldn't find it. Until now.
