In the world xseño Paula tells me that they have waited all their lives
for me to return. I didn’t understand. She expressed that her mother and her
mother before her all waited for me, that they all knew I would come that they
lived life knowing me as their saviour. But they have been here all along? This
is what I cannot understand. I thought I came here and created this place upon
consumption of xseño, but Paula insists they have always been here. In fact,
she gets a bit offended when I talk about it as though she had popped up from
no where. She walks ahead, somewhat faster, and tries to ignore me for a while. Las chicas pequeñas follow her naturally, and los chicos only fallow me
around, jumping up and down and sometimes touching my skin in hopes I may play
some sort of game called ‘Hutchpoy’ that requires you to jump all which ways on
only one foot or your knees. I have yet to understand the rules.
Life in xseño
is simple, but nothing like mine. No one worries and everyone is friends. More
so family, actually. They all eat together and hunt together, they have
sleeping quarters together. It seems they do have smaller communities though.
Families in one pod naturally are closer than families with another pod, but
everything is communal: meals, rest, fun. Some people from each smaller
community seem to be the speaker for that pod, and they join into a group, and
there are speakers within that. This is how they seem to communicate. Los niños
learn the ways throughout the day, but there is no schooling. I wonder why
Paula is so very special to the people. Los niños like her more than anyone
else, and so do los adultos. In
some ways though, I understand. She es muy bonita, and muy inteligente. I miss
her when I go back. But back I must go. My family needs me.
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